Burnout and Care Work are two of my favorites. I don't do much care taking this days but the subject has been on my mind a lot, so I look forward to perusing a few others on this list!

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So appreciate this list! You didn’t ask for poetry, but poetry is where my brain dwells, so I have a new recommendation as salve for the spirit. An anthology, “Leaning Toward Light: Poems for Gardens and Hands that Tend Them” with lovely, important intros by editor Tess Taylor and also Aimee Nezhukumatathil. Even if one isn’t gardening, those who care for created things are always worth lingering over with attention and words. (Note: I have not yet come across a whole anthology dedicated to maintenance and care, but I am still on the hunt--or will one day do it myself!) Thanks for sharing your words and thoughts.

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